
Designated Learning Institution DLI # O262228554872

Canadian Red Cross Respect in the Workplace Course

The purpose of the Respect in the Workplace course is to empower all employees to spot and understand workplace bullying, harassing and discriminating behaviours and to eliminate these harmful behaviours in a mutually respectful, self-empowering way for a safer, healthier workplace.  

Who should attend

- All adults in any workplace setting. 

Course content

Upon completion of the Respect in the Workplace course, participants will be able to define workplace bullying, harassment and

discrimination, recognize these behaviours in themselves and others, report incidents more comfortably and confidently, and

understand positive and negative power. 

This course is presented in four modules:

1. Program Introduction

  • Using power positively and negatively

  • Understanding an emotional response

  • The effects of negative outbursts

2. Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment

  • Discrimination definition, legislation, premise and grounds

  • Bullying and harassment definitions, why they happen, cyberbullying, discriminatory (personal)

          harassment, sexual harassment, abuse of power, emotional bullying

3. Responding, Reporting and Outcomes

  • Understanding and recognizing what to document

  • Process of investigation

  • Personal assistance

4. Final Thoughts


A short pre-program survey and post-program survey measure learning. Upon successfully completing all modules, there is a printable certificate for your records 


  • All supplementary learning materials are provided as PDF downloads or links within the online course. 

​It's Never Too  Late to Learn

Registration status: Open

Program delivery format: Online (E-Learning)

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Canadian Career Education College

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patient service ​ study work & settle in canada , Study in Canada Without IELTS ,,   Designated Learning Institution​ ,  No IELTS , Low & No Upfront Tuition Fee, 

C.C.E.C. Red Cross Respect in the Workplace Course