Designated Learning Institution DLI # O262228554872

​It's Never Too  Late to Learn

OSDAP Refunds

If you have a credit balance on your student account after receiving OSAP funding, a refund may be issued, which will be reviewed by the Student Awards and Financial Aid Office and potentially returned to the National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC). 

Paying Back OSAP

We do not accept refund request via email. Use this form

The refund procedure and form is available at the bottom this page.

​​without ielts study work & settle in canada

Canadian Career Education College

Study in Canada For Higher Standard In Career Education p

patient service ​ study work & settle in canada , Study in Canada Without IELTS ,,   Designated Learning Institution​ ,  No IELTS , Low & No Upfront Tuition Fee, 

Refund Policy-Process Vocational Programs



This document sets the conditions and the process for administering the students’ requests for tuition refunds on vocation programs.


Please review and apply our following specific refund policy to ensure you are eligible for a refund.

ISP (International Student Program) Refund Policies.

Admission process fee ($500) is non refundable.

The services offered for this fee (Admission Application Processing Fee/LOA ) are the following:

  • Admission Application Assessment.
  • Admission Application Processing.
  • Letter of acceptance process (international students)
  • Letter of acceptance verification process with IRCC
  • Pre and post-arrival support service (If study permit is approved)

(Our standard response time for all financial inquiries is 10-15 business days)

General Refund Policy

  • There is a non-refund to the tuition-enrollment fee once the program is commenced or completed.
  • The Tuition fee is *refundable if paid in advance by the student and if the study visa-permit application is not successful for an in-person delivery format.
  • Post-Visa-Study Permit, arrival in Canada; If the student has received approval of visa or study permit and entered Canada on our college's LOA/Admission, and has paid the tuition fee in full or partially: Refund is subject to applicable laws, regulations and registrar's approval and deduction or $500 from the total amount. It depends upon the services rendered to the student post LOA stage and during in study permit-visa processing and certain travel and quarantine-related affairs.
  • Post start of the program: If the student has started the program in any formation, a *no refund will be applicable.
  • Refund Due To PAL. If you applied for admission and received LOA Letters of Acceptance after January 22, 2024, or around that time, and if the college is unable to issue PAL by May 30, 2024, we will consider refunding LOA—Admission Application fees to eligible students who applied for admission after January 22, 2024, and between May 30, 2024. The refund request must be received by July 30, 2024, via the prescribed method - form explained below on this page. There are no other exceptions.
  • Admission Application processing or LOA fee associated with vocational; study or short study or bridge training programs are non refundable.

Refund on legal fees: If you have opted to retain the legal services for your study permit, these matters are handled by an independent team of legal professionals outside the College's scope of business and activities. Any fee paid for this service will be non-refundable once the process has started and the legal professional has accepted your matter for re-presentation. Please note that these fees are disbursed to the legal team for their services/expenses.

Student/admission Categories.

A-Incoming (New) International

Prospective International Students who have been issued a Letter of Acceptance (LOA) or a Conditional Letter of Acceptance (CLOA) (The LOA fee is nonrefundable). 

(i) who do not start any courses either in person or online; or

(ii) who withdraw on or before the commencement date of for courses for that term; will be eligible to receive a *refund of all tuition fees paid if their student visa or study permit is denied by Immigration, Refugees based on in-person delivery format, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). *Excluding Tuition Refund Processing fee ($25-150) and bank charges

(iii) who withdraw on or before the date of the start of the program for courses for that term; will be eligible to receive a **refund of all tuition fees paid, if their student visa or study permit is approved regardless if they have entered Canada nor not by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). ** Excluding Tuition Refund Processing fee ($500+/-)

B-International students who receive a visa denial must either submit the original paper visa refusal or the original email with the decision that includes all electronic headers and routing. Refunds will not be processed until the correct documentation is received.

C-​International students who receive a visa or study permit approval: To be eligible for a refund, students must provide the Accounts Department with a Letter of Acceptance from another institution or the official flight ticket to their home country. This ensures that students meet the requirement of residing in Canada on a study visa or permit.

           According to our policy, the following will apply and be required to comply before issuing an applicable refund.

           1. To be eligible for a withdrawal from the college study program or study or  refund, student must provide the Accounts Department with a Letter of Acceptance from another institution or the official flight ticket to their home country.

Ref: The Law  Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations

         Acceptance letter - Study Permit

         219 (1) A study permit shall not be issued to a foreign national unless they have written documentation from the designated learning institution where they intend to study that states that they have been accepted to study there.

        Conditions — study permit holder

        220.1 (1) The holder of a study permit in Canada is subject to the following conditions:

(a) they shall enroll at a designated learning institution and remain enrolled at a designated learning institution until they complete their studies; and
(b) they shall actively pursue their course or program of study.

Failure to comply with conditions

221 Despite Division 2, a study permit shall not be issued to a foreign national who has engaged in unauthorized work or study in Canada or who has failed to comply with a condition of a permit unless

(a) a period of six months has elapsed since the cessation of the unauthorized work or study or failure to comply with a condition;

(b) the work or study was unauthorized by reason only that the foreign national did not comply with conditions imposed under paragraph 185(a), any of subparagraphs 185(b)(i) to (iii) or paragraph 185(c); or

(c) the foreign national was subsequently issued a temporary resident permit under subsection 24(1) of the.

3- Updated Study Permit if changing college

2-Please note that, if we do not receive your proper response with the required document or information or before the start date of the program, we will cancel your enrollment and LOA with our college and report this incident to the proper Government authorities including CBSA and IRCC for their attention and necessary action.

D-Continuing students

​Continuing students who drop a registered course(s) will receive a refund less any applicable non-refundable fees as identified in the CCEC Academic Calendar:

  • On or before the start date of the program: 100% Refund of all tuition fees paid for the term (less any applicable non-refundable fees)
  • ​After the course start:  (No refund)

An international student holding a valid study permit: To be eligible for a refund, continuing international students must provide the Finance Department with a Letter of Acceptance from another institution or the official flight ticket to their home country. This ensures that students meet the requirement of residing in Canada.

​(How to apply for refund) Refund Application Process- Procedure

Please note that the refund process from A-Z can take up to *20 to 30 business days to complete. *If you have submitted form with incomplete information or documents, this may take longer and you have to submit the refund request form again. Incomplete form are deleted by our system.

The refund can only be made to the student's account in her/his name and via the same method by which the college received the payment. For example, if you have paid via credit card, a refund will be issued to the same credit card. In case the refund is rejected by the credit card issuing bank, in that case we can consider transfer via wire or bank transfer or email. In that case, please provide the student's banking details in a notarized letter so that the refund can be received.

Refunds can be issued to third parties if we have a written notarized authorization from the student to transfer funds to another third-party account. All this information or refund requests must be submitted with a form available on the above web page. There are no exceptions.

  1. Student's photo ID,
  2. Request for refund signed by the student to transfer the funds in his/her own account on a simple signed letter with ID or
  3. If to the third party,  a verifiable affidavit having transfer instructions duly notarized by a notary public is a must requirement.
  4. If applicable, provide the photo ID of the third-party individual if you wish to transfer funds other than the student's own account. 
  5. Contact details of the Notary Public should be available on the affidavit, if applicable.
  6. Complete address of the student or fund-receiving person (If it is a third party).
  7. If your visa is refused and you are asking for a refund, a copy of the refusal letter from IRCC is also required. If you did not apply for a study visa or permit after January 22, 2024, you can mention this as a statement in the notarized affidavit. 

The following bank details should include in the above request:

  1. Name of the account holder,
  2. Bank account number,
  3. Bank swift code 
  4. Receiver's complete address.
  5. If the receiver is a Canadian individual, andIf you wish to transfer the funds to a Canadian Bank Account, please provide the email address of the account holder, and we can transfer funds via email as well. 

Please use this green button bellow to submit your request via the designated online form. 

All supporting documentation must be included with your application. Missing documents will prolong the refund request evaluation and processing time.​

Bank fees and applicable charges.

  1. Refund is processed via same method it was paid. For example, if you paid refund via credit card, we will process back to the same card and if that fails, then we will contact the student via email, for further instructions and ask for more details. Refundable amount will be the net amount the college received after deduction of credit card charges/fees.
  2. If you are requesting via international or domestic wire transfer, our bank will charge $50-75 wire fee plus applicable foreign currency conversion fees and rate differences at time and these will be deducted from the refundable amount.
  3. Our standard minimum refund processing administration fee is $49 and maximum $175. This depends upon the total refund able amount and efforts to transfer and if any investigation is involved.

Other general policy information and deductions.

  • International students outside Canada, requesting a refund must provide a visa rejection letter dated after their last LOA was issued. If a student requests a new LOA, they must provide a new visa rejection letter in order to qualify for a refund.
  • All refund requests must be submitted via the above green button, please allow 7-10 business days to receive a decision once the form is submitted.
  • Refunds or withdrawal is not accepted by telephone, email, fax, or letter or after the cut-off time/date. C.C.E.C. administration must receive a written Notice of Withdrawal, via the designated online web form-R only, before the applicable deadline as mentioned above.
  • International students who violate the terms of their study permit and/or student visa are not eligible for refunds. Any tuition fees paid shall be forfeit and retained by CCEC.
  • ​You will receive an email update as your refund request moves to each new stage in the refund application process.
  • ​If applicable, upon successful payment of the refund, the Finance team will send you an email.

​​You are welcome to check the status of your refund request at any time by revisiting the refund application page here.