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Canadian Career Education College
Face-to-Face Course (F2F) - A course in which an instructor delivers all course content in real time with students usually present in the same location, or connected via a video/audio conference.
Web-Facilitated Course – An F2F course where the instructor uses web-based technology to supplement and/or support class time and assignments.
Online Course – A course where all of the content is delivered asynchronously online. There are no F2F meetings and synchronized online meetings are limited.
Hybrid (Blended) Course – "Hybrid" or "Blended" are names commonly used to describe courses in which some scheduled course meeting times are regularly replaced by online learning activities, video lectures, or in-person. The purpose of a hybrid course is to take advantage of F2F, video access, and online learning (e.g. students can access/attend the course via video lecture, or meet face to face, or online via web activities).
Academic Content and its Oversight – This refers to the original academic materials prepared by the instructor, not including the related technological architecture. The oversight of academic content is conducted through peer review and evaluation, and is related to the integrity and appropriateness of the course and the program's curriculum, as well as an assessment of teaching effectiveness.
Technological Architecture and its Oversight – The skeletal structure within a learning management system that may include the creation and organization of spaces for holding academic content, hosting discussions, or collecting student work, as well as other features. The oversight of technological architecture is conducted through collegial review, evaluation with a particular focus on ensuring accessible design, and student engagement.
“D” and “F” represent letters grades. “UW” is the code that faculty members record for “unauthorized withdrawal”: Faculty are instructed to assign “UW” instead of an “F” if a course failure is due to the discontinuation of class attendance without formal withdrawal. A "UW" carries the same impact on the GPA as an “F.”
Asynchronous Communication – A term used to refer to types of computer-mediated communication that involves a time lag in participant contributions. While a cohesive dialogue may be accomplished, the participants see and contribute to that conversation in disrupted segments. For example, a learner may send an e-mail message to an instructor one day and the instructor may read and respond to the email two days later. Similarly, discussion forums are a form of asynchronous communication that by design retains the full communication thread and grows over time. In eLearning environments, architectural forums that support asynchronous communication create flexibility in participation for both the learner and the instructor(s).
Synchronous or Real-Time Communication – Terms used to refer to types of computer-mediated communication that support an interactional mode without time lags. For example, video conferencing and online chat sessions are two types of computer-mediated asynchronous communication. Some eLearning courses require learners and teachers to convene at least once in real time. These meetings may take place in physical classrooms, in online chat spaces, through video conferencing, or via other real-time forums.
Basic Principles
A. Online and hybrid course and program offerings shall contribute to the goals of providing a distinctive educational experience while eliminating the achievement gap and meeting retention and graduation goals.
B. The College values academic freedom and encourages instructional innovation.
C. The faculty has responsibility for academic oversight, as well as making decisions related to courses, programs, and degrees, including those online.
D. Online and hybrid instruction represent one mode of instruction that may be considered by an individual faculty member, a faculty group, and/or an academic department.
E. Nothing in this policy shall imply that online and hybrid instruction is the preferred mode of instruction.
F. The development and utilization of online and hybrid instruction shall not be used to reduce or eliminate tenure-track faculty positions.
G. Class size and instructor workload shall be determined by the Department in consultation with the College Dean. Class size and the related assigned workload shall be a factor expected of the instructor time commitment. Instructor time, in online and hybrid environments, is a function of course learning outcomes and the related time an instructor must commit to appropriately monitor, evaluate, and participate in online interactions, as well as evaluate individual assignments.
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Designated Learning Institution DLI # O262228554872