Canadian Red Cross Beyond the Hurt: Preventing Bullying and Harassment Course

The purpose of the Beyond the Hurt course is to equip learners with the understanding and tools to effectively prevent and respond to bullying and harassing incidents in schools, organizations and the community. 

Who should attend

- Educators, health professionals, community workers, parents, caregivers and other adults who work with or care for children and youth. 

Course content

Upon completion of the Beyond the Hurt course, participants will be able to define and understand the different types of bullying

and harassment and their effects, identify the frameworks for protection, more comfortably and confidently handle disclosures

and complaints, and take steps to manage risk and prevent violence by building a safer environment. 

This course is presented in five modules:

1. Introduction – violence, the misuse of power, and the benefits and challenges of bullying prevention
2. Bullying – types, participants, aggressive tactics, effects and signs
3. Harassment – types (including discrimination as well as personal, sexual and criminal harassment),

harassment of youth who identify as LGBTQ, effects and signs
4. Intervention – the conventions, protocols, legislation, criminal codes, and organizational policies that

help create protection in your setting, as well as how to handle disclosures and respond to complaints
5. Risk Management – managing risk, preventing violence, and creating safety for children and youth,

including through organizational policies


Five brief Knowledge Assessment Tests help you assess your learning as you progress through the course.

Upon successfully completing all modules, there is a printable certificate for your records


  • The Beyond the Hurt manual is provided as a PDF download (included in course fee). Learners can choose to purchase a hard copy 

Designated Learning Institution DLI # O262228554872

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C.C.E.C. Red Cross Beyond the Hurt: Preventing Bullying and Harassment Course

Registration status: Open

Program delivery format: Online (E-Learning)
