Short-term study programs (NO PAL Required), Business and Project Management , Clinical Laboratory Assistant,Pharmacy Assistant Diploma, Database Development & Administration , Diploma in Hotel Operations & Hospitality Management , E-Business Administration Diploma , Occupational Health and Safety Administration & Management Diploma . Personal Support and Child Care Diploma , Long Term Care Services Administration & Management Diploma , Health Care Services Administration & Management Diploma , Patient Service Associate , NCA Courses, BTP and more… Click here for full listing
Designated Learning Institution DLI # O262228554872
without ielts study work & settle in canada
Canadian Career Education College
The Following is the Current List Of Can-College Recommended Authorized Representatives/Organization(s)
Suppose your case has been refused, or has some severe complication requiring an independent opinion or services from a Canadian Lawyer. In that case, you may contact a Canadian Lawyer(s) directly: Lawyer - Consultants CICC Member
Please note that these lawyers are not affiliated with the college and will be offering services independently and directly to the applicant)
Can-College maintains a network of authorized international agents who play an important role in aiding prospective students through their application process while representing the College programs-procedures in a professional and trustworthy manner at all times. Some agents charge a fee for visa counselling. We encourage students who plan to use the services of an agent representative to ask, in advance, what those fees are. If you have any questions or concerns related to hiring an agent please contact student service administrator via email
The Can-College DISA provides specialized student support to international students. Incumbents in this job classification are responsible for providing academic and immigration advising services, career counselling, and new student orientation to meet the needs of the international student population. The DISA solves a variety of complex immigration issues requiring considerable knowledge of immigration rules and regulations. Incumbents work independently with decisions impacting students’ educational goals.
PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTABILITIES (Includes some or all of the following):
DISA's mostly provide services and related work is performed in their own office.
The Can-College DISA's are Canadian citizens or permanent residents and licensed by a Canadian designated regulatory body. They have been trained to protect the interest of the student/applicant.
Become-DISA (Application)
If you feel to have an issue or concern regarding a DISA, or wish to report an activity concerning any DISA, please send a confidential message direct to the college dean via email.