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Designated Learning Institution DLI # O262228554872
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Canadian Career Education College
Please note: The college staff at International Student Services cannot advise on CRA or personal Tax-related affairs. However, we can direct you to the relevant information (below).
What is T2202?
The T2202—or Tuition and Enrolment Certificate and Summary form—is an official statement for income tax purposes. It is issued to all students who have paid tuition and fees for qualifying courses and are eligible for a claim on their income tax return.
Do you get money back from T2202?
It is used to certify a student's eligibility for their tuition, education, and textbook amounts. This Non-Refundable Tax Credit is used to reduce your tax payable and is entered on Line 32300 of the tax return.
How do I obtain and print my tax documents?
The T2202 certificate forms will be filed by the college representative with CRA by the end of February, and our accountant will mail paper hard copies to your given address.
T2202 hard copy or the digital copy in PDF will be sent to students at their contact details on the college LMS record as of February 29. This means that your email account and mailing address as of January 15 will be used to send this form to you.
It is the student's responsibility to keep the contact details up to date and accurate at all time.
If you are reading this information after March 15, all required forms have been mailed or emailed to you since February 28. Please check your email account inbox and spam folders, and ensure the email and mailing address on the college's LMS record are correct.
If your email account or the address was not updated or correct on that date, there is a possibility you will not get it.
How to get a reconciled T2202 copy or get a duplicate copy of the T2202, if you believe the information on the T2202 received is not accurate, or you have lost it, or did not receive it due to reasons explained above.
Please follow the steps below to investigate and send the duplicate copy.
Step One.
Log in to LMS Profile.
Choose the Edit My Profile section.
Make sure your contact details are accurate. You can edit it.
Step Two
From the LMS profile section, click on the Invoices-Finance Information. (Calculate the tuition fees paid during the calendar year, i.e., January 1 to December 31.). Do not calculate the previous year’s amounts. Once you have added the totals of all fees paid during the calendar year, for example January 1 to December 31, last year, use this link, download the blank sample copy of T2202 and this link for a blank fillable T2202 copy to save save it in your computer folder.This blank T2202 should be used to fill out the college data from the sample and your personal information, such as your address, S.I.N. number, student number, etc. For proper reconciliation, this information should match your college L.M.S. profile. (you will need PDF software to work on these forms.
Enter your data in T2202 form Boxes 13-26.
Save this form with the date and follow Step Three.
Step Three.
Send this form duly filled in via email and allow two to three business days to validate your Form. (Incomplete or fields with missing information will be deleted by the system and you will be required to send again.)
Please note that no other information or tax-related support available with the college staff at this time.