Who is eligible for OSAP?

OSAP is open to Ontario residents who are:

  • Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons;
  • Attending an OSAP-approved program and school; and
  • Enrolled in a certificate, degree or diploma program that is at least 12 weeks long.

You can use OSAP funding to attend a college or university anywhere in the world, as long as the institution you want to attend has been approved for student loan purposes in Ontario.

CCEC is an approved OSAP College and its programs are eligible for OSAP funding. If CCEC has approved your admisson and you meed the above OSAP celiginioty criteria, you can follow the steps below to begin the process.

Q- When to start OSAP or Admission Application. It is recommended that the admission enrollment and OSAP application process be started at least 30-40 days before the program's start date.

Q- OSAP eligibility for students

To apply for full-time OSAP aid, you must:

  • register in full-time studies for sessions with CCEC (course load is 100%, and the duration is one year 52 weeks during the open enrollment year such as current year is 2024-2025)
  • be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or have protected person status; international students are ineligible.
  • have Ontario residency, that is, have lived in Ontario for at least 12 consecutive months without attending full-time postsecondary school.
  • register in an OSAP-approved diploma program. Most diploma programs at CCEC are OSAP approved.
  • be neither in default on a previous OSAP student loan nor on OSAP restriction.
  • maintain satisfactory academic progress while receiving OSAP aid.
  • have demonstrated financial need as calculated by the government. Gross family income as well as student resources and assets are taken into consideration.

OSAP Application Processing Timelines

  • Processing usually takes four to six weeks from the date you submit your summer OSAP application. Documents are reviewed and assessed in the order they are received.
  • Processing can take longer if your application has incorrect/incomplete details or supporting documents. Therefore, it is very important that you submit an accurate and complete application. If you check your status on the OSAP website six weeks after applying and still see no indication of an assessment, then please contact CCEC Student Support and Advising to see if there are problems with your application.
  • Because the seats are limited, your time to access OSAP funding may be affected by limited funding. We recommend you apply early to ensure your funding is assessed and issued. OSAP will not issue any funds for students who did not submit the correct OSAP application and all required documents prior to the applicable submission deadline.

Q- What are the steps to follow after submitting OSAP application

  1. Complete and submit the online OSAP application.

Identify York University as your university. OSAP funds cannot be transferred from one school to another. OSAP will automatically direct funds to York University towards a portion of your outstanding fees. If you need assistance calculating your course load, please use the course load calculator.

  2. Print off the signature forms as required and make sure that all signatures are included on the forms.

If even one signature is missing, the impacted form will not be processed and your assessment and aid will be delayed.

  3. Attach any other required documentation to the signature forms.

Your assessment and funding will not be available if any documents remain outstanding.

  4. Upload your completed signature forms and any supporting documentation directly to your OSAP account.

We strongly recommend you scan and upload your OSAP signature pages and supporting document through your online OSAP account. This way you can reduce your application processing time and have access to view your uploaded documents and the status of your submission online.

  5. Submit your MSFAA.

What is the MSFAA?

The Master Student Financial Assistance Agreement (MSFAA) is a legal agreement between you and the federal and Ontario governments. It outlines your responsibilities and the terms and conditions of accepting and repaying student loans. This loan agreement is an important document so make sure you keep a copy of it for future reference. It remains valid during your full-time post-secondary studies, unless there is a break of two years or more in your studies. If so, the MSFAA will be listed as a required document in your OSAP application.

  6. Complete a Student Financial Profile.

Complete your Student Financial Profile profile online so that you can be assessed for additional funding and work/study employment opportunities. Please see more information below on reporting scholarships, awards and bursaries to OSAP.

  7. Check your application status.

Q- When are fees due and how do I pay?

Fees are required to be paid before the start date of the program. Check your OSAP account to see if fees are paid directly to the institution by the OSAP or to you. Nevertheless, it is the student's responsibility to pay the fees.
Use this link for instructions to pay the fees to the college.  

Q- When will I receive my Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) funding?

Your OSAP installment will be released according to the schedule approved by OSAP, based on your enrollment in a full-time course load, and no supporting documents are outstanding.

Log in to your OSAP account to check the status of your application.

Q- What if I get my Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) after the fee due date

If you submit your application with the required documents and do not receive your funding by the payment due date or before the program's start date, you may not have access to the program delivery.

Q- What if I miss the fees due date?

If you have paid the $250 admission registration deposit, you will not be de-enrolled from classes should you miss the “Minimum Payment due by” program's start date.

To avoid this situation, we recommend keeping track of your OSAP approval process or contacting our
OSAP Support Team for further assistance. 

After submitting your OSAP application, you should regularly check its status by logging into the government OSAP website.
. And also let the 
CCEC teamknow about your OSAP application number and status to follow up with them at the college level. 

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