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Designated Learning Institution DLI # O262228554872
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Canadian Career Education College
The Following are General Guidelines for Educational credential assessment (ECA): International Students
Admission requirements are requirements or qualifications that students must meet in order for them to demonstrate the potential to successfully complete a program at C.C.E.C. (e.g., high school diploma, proficiency in English).
Each C.C.E.C. program/course is different and has its own subjective criteria based on the nature of the course. Students are encouraged to carefully read course admission criteria-related details before applying. The applicant is advised to read carefully the following details for any applicable requirements.
A student does not require an assessment for a Canadian or US degree, diploma, or certificate.
For Outside Canada (international) based education applicants:
Students with no educational experience/degree from Canada or the United States would require to have met one of the following requirements on or before the start date of the program they are offered admission:
Educational Credential Assessment (ECA)
You do not need an assessment for a Canadian degree, diploma, or certificate.
An Educational credential assessment (ECA) is used to verify that your foreign degree, diploma, or certificate (or other proof of your credential) is valid and equal to a Canadian one. There are different types of ECAs. For the college admission purpose, if one of your primary educational credentials is from an institution outside Canada or the USA, you will need to get an ECA from a Canadian Government Approved Assessment Agency. The purpose will be the assessment for college admission. If you have already received an assessment report for any other purpose, we may consider that as well. You must attach that with your admission application. If you had not submitted a report previously, you may send a copy via email or before the start date of the program.
How to Apply for an ECA Report:
Once you choose a designated organization or a professional body, they will tell you how to submit your documents to get your assessment.
List of Designated Organizations: You must use one of these designated organizations:
You can also contact third party service provider to facilitate the process for you. "Can-Am Data"
Q-Do I need to have both requirements met before applying for the student visa?
No, these are admission-related requirements and are governed under a provincial regulation* related to education mentions bellow. The immigration ECA has a different purpose and criteria.
The student visa process is governed under a Federal Statute/Legislation “Immigration Refugee Protection Act” and has a different type of ECA required for immigration purposes.
Your ECA report may help when you’re looking for a job after graduation.
Q-Which credentials get assessed?
In most cases, you only need an assessment for one level of education, not all. For example, you may only get assessed for a secondary school certificate if you do not have any other diploma or degree. If you have a master’s degree, you only need an assessment for that degree. You will not need one for your bachelor’s degree, diploma, or secondary school certificate. The Can-College minimum admission requirement is equivalent to Canadian secondary school or having a Mature Student Status via a qualifying test.
Q-When to get an ECA or Mature Student Status assessment?
The college requires one of the above reports on or before the start date of your program. It is recommended to arrange these after your admission has been offered or accepted, or as soon as you can.
Q-What if I cannot arrange the reports on the date of the program start?
If due to circumstances beyond your control, you cannot arrange the report, the college may, on a written request, extend your admission acceptance date to another available session.
Q-Does a student need both an ECA and Mature Student Status?
No, you are required to have only one of them.
Q-Can a student provide a report from a Mature Student Status via qualifying test in lieu of ECA?
Yes, even if you have a master’s degree, bachelor’s degree, diploma, or secondary school certificate which cannot get assessed via the ECA process for any reason, you may still apply for Mature Student Status via the qualifying test and provide a report on or before the commencement of the program, and the college will accept this.
*Legislative Reference.
“Students enrolled in an approved vocational program at a PCC are required to meet or exceed the admission requirements set out in s. 19 of Regulation 415/06, as well as any other admission requirements identified by the PCC.
Students have an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent1, or
Students are 18 years of age or older and pass a qualifying test that has been approved by the Superintendent.”
Note: Meeting the minimum admission requirements and deadline dates is not a guarantee of admission in some courses. Only the most qualified candidates will be considered.
For any further question on admission requirements please email