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Canadian Career Education College
Short-term study programs (NO PAL Required), Health Care Services Programs, Business and Project Management , Clinical Laboratory Assistant,Pharmacy Assistant Diploma, Database Development & Administration , Diploma in Hotel Operations & Hospitality Management , E-Business Administration Diploma , Occupational Health and Safety Administration & Management Diploma . Personal Support and Child Care Diploma , Long Term Care Services Administration & Management Diploma , Health Care Services Administration & Management Diploma , Patient Service Associate , NCA Courses, CPD Courses for the Legal Pros. BTP and more… Click here for full listing
Designated Learning Institution DLI # O262228554872
Continuing Professional Development, CPD
On-demand videos are quickly becoming the preferred format for convenient access to required CPD content. CPDHouse-P.D.L.E.S. videos are accredited by the provincial societies. CPDHouse-P.D.L.E.S. videos count towards some, or all, of the required hours in most jurisdictions.
From the following, please find your society’s video allowance. The information is believed to be accurate at the time of posting; please consult your society’s website for up-to-date information.
Each Lawyer in Alberta must make an annual CPD plan, make annual CPD declarations, and must complete his/her CPD plan.
Individual legal professionals decide on the content of his/her CPD plan.
All CPDHouse-P.D.L.E.S. videos are eligible towards CPD plans in Alberta.
For more information, please visit http://www.lawsociety.ab.ca/lawyers/cpd.aspx
British Columbia
Each lawyer must complete 12 hours of CPD, of which 2 hours must be “Professionalism”: ethics, client communications, professional responsibility, or practice management. New members: completed bar admission in the reporting year are exempt for the CPD requirement for that year.
CPDHouse-P.D.L.E.S. videos are eligible towards BC’s CPD requirement. Our programs are listed in the BC law society’s portal.
Lawyers must view content in the presence of another lawyer or articling student to count towards their CPD requirement.
For more information, please visit http://www.lawsociety.bc.ca/page.cfm?cid=18&t=Continuing-Professional-Development-(CPD)
Each lawyer must complete one hour of eligible CPD for each month, or part of a month, during which the lawyer maintains active practicing status. Lawyers who maintain active practicing status for three or more months must complete, as part of their total CPD hours, 1.5 hours of eligible CPD activities related to ethics, professional responsibility, or practice management (Professionalism). The Law Society of Manitoba does not accredit eligible CPD activities. Each lawyer determines if a particular activity is an eligible CPD activity based on the lawyer's particular circumstances.
CPDHouse-P.D.L.E.S. videos are eligible towards Manitoba’s CPD requirement if viewed with another and discussed.
To include the activity towards their CPD requirement, Manitoba lawyers must view and discuss the video with another lawyer, articling student, or support staff.
For audio only: the discussion time after listening is an eligible activity.
For more information, please visit http://www.lawsociety.mb.ca/education/CPD-requirements
New Brunswick
Each lawyer requires 12 hours of CPD annually.
CPDHouse-P.D.L.E.S. videos may be eligible towards New Brunswick’s CPD requirement. Each lawyer must submit an Activity Approval Request to the Law Society after completing a video.
For more information, please visit http://www.lawsociety-barreau.nb.ca/emain.asp?794
Northwest Territories
Each lawyer must complete 12 hours of CPD, of which 2 hours must be “Professionalism”: ethics or practice management.
CPDHouse-P.D.L.E.S. videos are eligible towards NWT’s CPD requirement.
For more information, please visit http://www.lawsociety.nt.ca/membership/cpd/
Nova Scotia
Each lawyer must complete 12 hours of qualifying CPD annually. Lawyers decide for themselves which CPD content is relevant to their practice. Each must report his/her CPD activities in their Annual Lawyer Report.
CPDHouse-P.D.L.E.S. videos and mp3 audio are eligible towards Nova Scotia’s CPD requirement.
For more information on which CPD activities qualify, please visit http://nsbs.org/for_lawyers/professional_development
For the NSBS's listing of upcoming CPD events of interest, see http://nsbs.org/events-
Each lawyer must complete 12 hours of CPD, of which 2 hours must be “Professionalism”: ethics, client communications, professional responsibility, or practice management.
CPDHouse-P.D.L.E.S. videos are eligible towards Nunavut’s CPD requirement.
For more information, please visit http://lawsociety.nu.ca-
Each lawyer must complete 12 hours of CPD, of which 3 hours must be “Professionalism”: ethics, client communications, professional responsibility, or practice management.
CPDHouse-P.D.L.E.S. videos are eligible towards Ontario’s CPD requirement. Any and all CPDHouse-P.D.L.E.S. videos can be counted towards the 9 hours of Substantive content. Only courses annotated as “Professionalism” can be counted towards Professionalism hours. Lawyers and paralegals can view up to 6 hours of on-demand video without a colleague present. Beyond 6 hours of video viewing, they must view in the presence of a colleague.
For more information, please visit http://rc.lsuc.on.ca/jsp/cpd/index.jsp
To log your CPD hours, access your LSUC portal herehttps://portal.lsuc.on.ca/wps/portal/custom_login_en
Prince Edward Island
Each lawyer must complete 24 hours of CPD within a 2 year period, of which 4 hours must be “Professionalism”: ethics, client communications, professional responsibility, or practice management.
CPDHouse-P.D.L.E.S. videos are eligible towards PEI’s CPD requirement.
For more information, please visit http://www.lspei.pe.ca/continuing_education.php-
Each lawyer must complete 30 hours of CPD.
CPDHouse-P.D.L.E.S. videos are eligible towards Quebec’s CPD requirement.
For more information, please visit http://www.barreau.qc.ca/avocats/formation-continue/obligatoire/faq.html?Langue=en
Each lawyer must complete 36 hours, of which 6 hours must be “Professionalism”: ethics, client communications, professional responsibility, or practice management. Upon viewing a video you must submit a law society cpd application for approval.
CPDHouse-P.D.L.E.S. videos are eligible towards Saskatchewan’s CPD requirement upon approval.
For more information, please visit http://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/continuing-professional-development/cpd-program/program-overview/-
Each Lawyer must complete 12 hours of CPD annually. These 12 hours can be in any area of “Substantive” or “Professionalism” content.
CPDHouse-P.D.L.E.S. videos are eligible towards Yukon’s CPD requirement
For more information, please visit http://www.lawsocietyyukon.com/