​It's Never Too  Late to Learn

Thank you, your card payment has been declined by your card issuing bank. 

The most common reason could be having restrictions on your card by your bank to process certain amount or currencies, or you are trying to use a debit card which is not acceptable by our system.

We suggest you contacting your bank and seek further assistance. Or use this link to use other methods.

At no point, cardholder information is shared, stored or released with the College or its staff.

Disputing the charge or authorization

Can-College believes in protecting the data of the cardholder and student applicants. If you are the cardholders and believe that your card has been used without authorization or consent, and wish to dispute the charge on your client, please send your claim via email or call +1-905-499-3631 Ext 244 to investigate and resolve such issue as soon as possible without further delay.

​​without ielts study work & settle in canada

Canadian Career Education College

Study in Canada For Higher Standard In Career Education p

patient service ​ study work & settle in canada , Study in Canada Without IELTS ,,   Designated Learning Institution​ ,  No IELTS , Low & No Upfront Tuition Fee, 

Card Transanction Not Approved 


Designated Learning Institution DLI # O262228554872