
Designated Learning Institution DLI # O262228554872

​​without ielts study work & settle in canada

Canadian Career Education College

Study in Canada For Higher Standard In Career Education p

patient service ​ study work & settle in canada , Study in Canada Without IELTS ,,   Designated Learning Institution​ ,  No IELTS , Low & No Upfront Tuition Fee, 

Manulife Health, Dental and Extended Health for P.D.L.E.S. Association Members  

Manulife Financial offers Health, Dental and Extended Health Care benefits with the following options:
Coverage for Individuals and Families
* Coverage for those who are self-employed or those whose group benefits have been terminated

*AssociationHealth and Dental plans offer 8 different plan choices with options for Dental only and Dental + Drug benefits.

*Member of **P.D.L.E.S, C.C.E.C. Current or Past Student, 

**Affiliate groups and associations included

Association is not taking any direct or indirect financial or any other benefit from this program. Association level account is for member's personal benefit only 

We pride ourselves on providing our clients with the best and most innovative insurance programs available and have partnered with Manulife to provide just that.

Find out more about insurance options ideal for individuals and small businesses.

Get a personalized quote or apply online now

​It's Never Too  Late to Learn